Business Structure

When you start a business, you must decide whether it will be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.

Which of these forms is right for your business depends on the type of business you run, how many owners it has, and its financial situation. No one choice suits every

Reginald Alphonse can advise you on the most appropriate way to structure your business to meet your income tax, accounting, and business requirements.

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, Joint Venture, Non-Profit Organization. Each type of entity is treated differently for tax purposes; therefore it’s advisable to engage a tax professional such as Reginald Alphonse to ensure you’re operating in the most effective structure. Once your structure is established, the applicable tax compliance laws need to be followed. Ask us how to ensure your business is compliant.

We can also provide you with tax advice on your individual tax position. Call us at 613-797-5559 or 613-797-5559 or quickly contact us by email.

We have your best interest at hand and work for a lasting relationship with all our clients. Accounting services for small businesses from Reginald Alphonse just might be the boost you need.

Contact Us

Our Office

Reginald Alphonse
101 Haxby Private
Ottawa, ON
K1T 3C3
